Running a JAG approved course

For JAG training centres that want to run a new course, please review the JAG course application process document which can be found on the download centre.

To advertise your course on the JETS website, the centre must be a JAG approved training centre. Visit our page on the requirements for delivering training centres to view the process of becoming an approved training centre. 

To review a list of courses that are advertised on the JETS website, please see the JETS course overview document.

Centres that would like to run a new course will need to complete an application form and send it to for approval. Centres will need to provide details on the course including:

New courses, which differ significantly from existing courses, will be given a unique course code. This code will enable potential delegates to identify the type, nature and duration of the courses available in an easily understandable format.

All courses are approved by the JAG training chair, the JAG course and centre chair and the federation of training centre chair.

Once the course has been approved by JAG it will be added onto the JETS website for the centre to start advertising the course.