Welcome to JETS - an online ePortfolio and certification portal for trainee endoscopists

JETS is the JAG Endoscopy Training System. It supports high quality endoscopy training in the UK by offering training courses for endoscopists and an ePortfolio for trainees to record their procedure data. JETS is an online framework for trainee certification in a number of endoscopy modalities including OGD, colonoscopy, and flexible sigmoidoscopy.

Exploring the impact of endoscopic complications on practitioners survey

Endoscopic complications are inevitable, and the welfare of patients who are affected is our first priority. Contribute your thoughts to research which explores the impact of endoscopic complications on practitioners.

JAG Training Lead

Please join us in thanking our departing JAG Training Lead, Miss Sarah Mills, who will be handing over her role to Dr Paul Dunckley this month, as JAG Training Group Chair.

Device Assisted Enteroscopy (DAE) new pathway launch

We will soon be launching a new device assisted enteroscopy (DAE) pathway on the JETS website. This pathway was created with the aim of ensuring high-quality endoscopy and patient safety. Please see below for information you should know if you or your colleagues will be training in this pathway.