What does the ePortfolio do?

In 2009, to improve outcomes and experience for endoscopy patients, the JAG Endoscopy Training System (JETS) was developed to standardise practice and training across the UK.

The JETS ePortfolio supports trainees through the entirety of their endoscopy training. The web-based system allows trainees to log their procedures, complete a training form with a trainer to evidence their progress and identify development needs. They can then apply for JAG certification to demonstrate their competence.

The JETS ePortfolio provides a format for:

JAG certification is awarded to trainees who use the ePortfolio and undergo assessments to demonstrate their competence. Certification demonstrates competence not only in carrying out the procedure safely and ensuring comfort of the patient, but also looks at non-technical skills such as decision making, problem solving and list management.

Over 650 certificates are issued annually, with over half representing gastroenterology trainees, approx. 30% GI surgeons and the remainder issued to clinical endoscopists.