FAQS and guides
JETS - How the certification fee is spent
JAG guidance on endoscopy training experience acquired outside the UK
DOPS forms
Capsule endoscopy (Small Bowel) - Capsule procedure and endoscopic placement - Formative DOPS
Capsule endoscopy (Small Bowel) - Patency capsule - Formative DOPS
Colonoscopy and Flexible sigmoidoscopy - Formative DOPS
Colonoscopy and Flexible sigmoidoscopy - Formative DOPyS
Colonoscopy and Flexible sigmoidoscopy - Summative DOPS
Dilation (STENTS) - Formative DOPS
Paediatric Colonoscopy - Formative DOPS
Paediatric Upper GI (OGD) - Formative DOPS
Upper GI (OGD) - Formative DOPS
Upper GI (OGD) - Summative DOPS
Upper GI Bleeds - Formative DOPS
Training centres and courses
Application for JAG approval for JETS training course form
JAG training centre requirements 2025
JETS course application process 2023
Training centre application form