Useful resources

FAQS and guides 


JETS user guide

JETS - How the certification fee is spent

JAG guidance on endoscopy training experience acquired outside the UK

Reflections guide 


DOPS forms

Capsule endoscopy (Small Bowel) - Capsule procedure and endoscopic placement - Formative DOPS

Capsule endoscopy (Small Bowel) - Patency capsule - Formative DOPS

Colonoscopy and Flexible sigmoidoscopy - Formative DOPS

Colonoscopy and Flexible sigmoidoscopy - Formative DOPyS 

Colonoscopy and Flexible sigmoidoscopy - Summative DOPS

Dilation (STENTS) - Formative DOPS

ERCP - Formative DOPS

EUS - Formative DOPS

Paediatric Colonoscopy - Formative DOPS

Paediatric Upper GI (OGD) - Formative DOPS

PEG - Formative DOPS

Upper GI (OGD) - Formative DOPS

Upper GI (OGD) - Summative DOPS 

Upper GI Bleeds - Formative DOPS


Training centres and courses

Application for JAG approval for JETS training course form 

JAG training centre requirements 2025

JETS course application process 2023

JETS course overview v3.1

Training centre application form